
您想加入一支强大的团队并接受一流的教育吗?您是想扎根自己的家乡,还是被广阔的世界所吸引? 来KH开启职业生涯,打造一个灿烂的未来,您有无限可能。






TRAINEE ALLOWANCE (as of Sept 01, 2023)

.培训年:   935 €

培训年: 1.025 €

培训年: 1.130 €

培训年: 1.190 €

Send your application to us and secure a starter bonus of 1.000 € towards your first furnishings or your driver’s license.


Bright look-out- not only from the Kirchberg here in Helmbrechts, but also for the three new trainees. At Kunststoff Helmbrechts, all trainees and their trainers went on a hike from the company headquarters to the highest point in town to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the view in beautiful weather.

Once at the top, the ‘KH Brunch Bar’ was already waiting with delicious food for refreshment. The pretzels in the shape of our logo were not only an eye-catcher, but were also eaten with appetite.

Above the banner from left to right: Patrick Pudel (IT specialist for systems integration), Lisa-Marie Schramm (industrial clerk) abd Nicolas Ludwig (process engineer for plastic and rubber technology).

Trainees 2015

Trainees 2016

Trainees 2017

Trainees 2018

Trainees 2019

Trainees 2020

Trainees 2021

Trainees 2022

Trainees 2023