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Have we caught your interest? Please select one of the following application possibilities below:

Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG

  • per job application or
  • per e-mail to karriere(at)
  • or in writing:

    Frau Petra Raithel
    c/o Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG
    Pressecker Str. 39
    95233 Helmbrechts
    Tel: +49-9252-709-123

KH Standort Sparneck / Germany

  • per job application or
  • per e-mail to karriere(at)
  • or in writing:

    Frau Petra Raithel
    c/o Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG
    Pressecker Str. 39
    95233 Helmbrechts
    Tel: +49-9252-709-123

KH Czechia, Chodov / Czechia

  • per job application or
  • per e-mail to kariera(at)
  • or in writing:

    Frau Kamila Kazda.
    c/o KH Czechia s.r.o.
    Vintířovská 1157
    CZ-357 35 Chodov
    Tel: +420-352-606-910

KH Unikun, Suzhou / China

  • per job application or
  • per e-mail to roland.grassler(at)
  • or in writing:;

    Herr Roland Grassler
    c/o Unikun Plastics(Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
    No. 140 Hua Shan Road
    New District, Suzhou 215129
    Tel: +86-512-6841-3610

KH Mexico, Querétaro / Mexico

  • per job application or
  • per e-mail to roland.grassler(at)
  • or in writing:

    Herr Roland Grassler
    c/o KH Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
    Av. Manufacturas No. 412 Lote 4
    Ampliación Parque Ind. Querétaro Fase 1
    76220 Querétaro, QRO
    Tel: +52-442-427-8200