Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG
Pressecker Str. 39
95233 Helmbrechts
Phone: +49-9252-709-0
Fax: +49-9252-709-199
E-mail: info(at)kh.de
Internet: www.kh.de
CEO: Axel Zuleeg, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH)
Chairman: Klaus Zuleeg
Registry: Amtsgericht Hof
Registration number: HRB 3630
VAT No: DE132951611
Responsible for contents according to § 18 Abs 2 MStV: Axel Zuleeg
KH Czechia s.r.o.
Vintířovská 1157
CZ-35735 Chodov
Czech Republic
Phone: +420-352-606-910
Fax: +420-352-606-911
E-mail: adm(at)kh-czechia.cz
Internet: www.kh-czechia.cz
Managing Directors: Axel Zuleeg, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH)
Registry: C18822 v Plzni
Registration number: 27962067
IČO: 27962067
DIČ . Ust.-ID-Nr.: CZ27962067
Responsible for contents according to § 18 Abs 2 MStV: Axel Zuleeg
KH Unikun Plastics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 140 Hua Shan Road
New District, Suzhou 215129
P.R. China
Phone: +86-512-6841-3610
Fax: +86-512-6841-3959
E-mail: adm(at)kh-unikun.cn
Internet: www.kh-unikun.cn
Managing Director: Roland Grassler
Chairman: Axel Zuleeg, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH)
Reg. No.: 9132050575140564XG
Tax No.: 9132050575140564XG
Responsible for contents according to § 18 Abs 2 MStV: Axel Zuleeg
KH Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
Av. Manufacturas No. 412 Lote 4
Ampliación Parque Ind. Querétaro Fase 1
76220 Querétaro, QRO.
Phone: +52 442 4278 200 or +49 173 709 96 50
E-mail: sales(at)kh-mexico.mx
Internet: www.kh-mexico.mx
Managing Director: Roland Grassler
Chairman: Axel Zuleeg, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH)
Trade Registration: 39502-1
Tax-ID.: KMW 100414QX3
Responsible for contents according to § 18 Abs 2 MStV: Axel Zuleeg
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Please note that the content of our website has been prepared with utmost care. Nevertheless we do not accept liability for the validity, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. We reserve the explicit right to change, add to or delete individual parts of or the complete content of our pages at any time and without prior notification.
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Insofar as the existence of links to external websites or third-party contents included in our site is concerned, we point out that we have no influence on their content and/or design. To this end, the external provider is solely responsible for the content. We do not carry out regular checks but immediately after becoming aware of any illegal or offensive content we will nevertheless ensure that the external referral/link is deleted.
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Contents which have been published by us are subject to the German copyright and labeling law. We, or the respective licensor, are entitled to all rights of the submitted content. The reproduction or use of such content is subject to our prior consent.
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Images: ipopba from Adobe Stock (stock.adobe.com), Summit Art Creations from Adobe Stock (stock.adobe.com), greenbutterfly from Adobe Stock (stock.adobe.com)