After an unusually long break, but now in XXL format: the 10th KH Technology Day welcomed around 120 guests from Germany and Europe from 22 to 24 June with an extensive program as well as a new structure. For the first time, guests could specifically select from the three modules; automotive, medical and cross sector. As usual, the content bracket was composed of the production of sophisticated plastic components with high-tech surfaces.
Just where these are used was explained, for example, by Prof Lutz Fügener (FH Hof) in his presentation on future automotive design. Aaron Scheler (Danzer) described innovative veneer surfaces and Dr Norbert Haberland (Dätwyler) concentrated on electroactive polymers which can influence haptics and actuators.
Presented by Prof Magnus Christiansen (University of Applied Sciences of North-West Switzerland) and Ann-Kathrin Schneider (KH), the functionalized, more specifically, antimicrobial, surfaces were interesting for both the automotive and medical technology. Biopolymer and the CO2 footprint were the focus of presentations given by Lucas Großmann (Institute for Applied Polymer Research) and Gerd Krause (Partner Sustainability Service KPMG).
Customers from the medical sector were particularly well catered for in the final thematic block. Micro injection molding (Dr Gabor Jüttner, Plastics Center, Leipzig), the EU regulations for medical products (Oliver Kluge, Kraiburg) and the use of plastics in medical technology (Markus Buchdrucker, VTS Plastics) were on the program. It concluded with a presentation by Dr. Martin Juhrisch (Symate) on data-driven production and support from artificial intelligence. Evening activities as well as factory tours to various KH Group locations in northern Bavaria and the Czech Republic rounded off the program.